Authenticating Mobile Apps with Azure Active Directory B2C
Announcing the public preview of Azure Monitor
External Network Access to Kestrel and IIS Express in ASP.NET Core
GitHub rebase and merge pull requests
xUnit-Jet open-sourced
Introducing the GitHub Load Balancer
Why you should give Marten a look before adopting an ORM like EF
Open Sourcing Twitter Heron
Evolutionary Database Design
Microservices - please don't
Using F# and Canopy for UI Testing
ES proposal: global
Does Elm harmonize with F#
Introducing .NET Standard
An Experience Report of Moving a Complicated Codebase to the CoreCLR
Optimizing LINQ
Stack arena memory allocation context
Un-swallowing Swallowed Exceptions with Fody and IL Weaving
Hero Pattern
Announcing Rust 1.12
Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) Compilation May Come to OpenJDK HotSpot in Java 9
Last updated 6 years ago