Upgrading to .NET Core 2.0 Preview
Self Descriptive HTTP API in ASP.NET Core - Siren
Razor Pages with ASP.NET Core 2
Use results from a load/performance test and Application Insights to solve performance problems
Using Docker with .Net Core in CI for OSS
Announcing Git Integration for Atom and GitHub Desktop Beta
How the Microsoft Bot Framework Changed Where My Friends and I Eat - Part 1
Akka.NET 2017 Roadmap Update
Monikers Instead of Variables
SQL Server Command Line Tools for macOS released
SQL Server 2016 Cumulative Updates
PostgreSQL 10 Beta 1 Released
The Drawbacks of Serverless Architecture
Tackling HackerRank with F#
ES proposal - RegExp named capture groups
ES proposal - RegExp lookbehind assertions
Fun with C# local functions
P - A programming language designed for asynchrony, fault-tolerance and uncertainty
To box or not to Box? That is the question!
Interesting read on 'Assembly Load Contexts' in .NET Core
Adding a new Bytecode Instruction to the CLR
Concurrent GC in Mono 5
Microsoft launches the Fluent Design System, its take on Google’s Material Design
Two years of Rust
Releasing the World’s Largest Street-level Imagery Dataset for Teaching Machines to See
Android now supports the Kotlin programming language
Last updated 6 years ago