Build Your Own ASP.NET Cache with WeakReferences
Building DockNetFiddle using Docker and .NET Core
HTTPS adoption has reached the tipping point
ASP.NET Core Authentication with IdentityServer4
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Debugging .NET Core on Unix over SSH
C# IL Viewer for Visual Studio Code using Roslyn side project
Technical Overview of Akka.Cluster.Sharding in Akka.NET
Visual Studio Code 1.9
Decorating Envelopes
Continuous Delivery Anti-Patterns
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Beringei: A high-performance time series storage engine
Partial application is dependency injection
Dependency rejection
C# 7.0 Expression Bodied Members
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C# Tuples. More about element names.
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What .NET Developers ought to know to start in 2017
Monitoring Real-Time Uber Data Using Spark Machine Learning, Streaming, and the Kafka API (Part 2)
Real-time Smart City Traffic Monitoring Using Microservices-based Streaming Architecture (Part 2)
Performance Tuning of an Apache Kafka/Spark Streaming System
Better Complex Event Processing at Scale Using a Microservices-based Streaming Architecture (Part 1)
Google open-sources Chrome for iOS
Announcing Rust 1.15
Announcing GVFS (Git Virtual File System)
Last updated 6 years ago