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Add CosmosDB persistent storage to Microsoft Orleans in .Net Core
Understanding grain references and UniqueKey for Orleans CosmosDB provider
Migrating from Angular to Vue
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TSLint in 2019
Using Visual Studio on aspnet repos requires installing or upgrading to 2019
GitLab 11.8 released with SAST for JavaScript, Pages for subgroups, and Error Tracking
Managing JavaScript in the Enterprise
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Ultimate Guide to Machine Learning with ML.NET
Microsoft SEAL open source homomorphic encryption library gets even better for .NET developers!
A Generalised Solution to Distributed Consensus
How we used delayed replication for disaster recovery with PostgreSQL
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C# 8 - Default Interface Methods Implementation
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Towards an understanding of technical debt
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Fun with the Spiral of Death
From interaction-based to state-based testing
Fixing Random, part 6
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How method calling works in C#
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Add APIs for some threading metrics
Heap vs stack, value type vs reference type
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Intel Linux Graphics Driver Adding Device Local Memory - Possible Start of dGPU Bring-Up
I ruin developers’ lives with my code reviews and I'm sorry
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What should a Software Engineering course look like?
Reverse-engineering the new captchaless ReCaptcha system
How can developers reduce stress
Last updated 5 years ago