AWS App Mesh is now generally available
SSO With SAML 2.0
Microsoft Security Advisory CVE-2019-0815 - ASP.NET Core denial of service vulnerability
Making the business case for React in 2019
Distributed Vue.js Applications Part 1 - Loading Components via HTTP
Web Components will replace your frontend framework
The Web Developer's Guide to DNS
Using strongly-typed entity IDs to avoid primitive obsession (Part 1)
Using strongly-typed entity IDs to avoid primitive obsession (Part 2)
Unit Testing Improvements in Rider 2019.1
Water.css – A just-add-css collection of styles to make websites nicer
curl says bye bye to pipelining
Introducing Time Travel Debugging for Visual Studio Enterprise 2019
IdentityServer4 Roadmap
Spread and Affinites in Nomad
NuGet Spring 2019 Roadmap
jQuery 3.4.0 Released
JSON as configuration files - please don’t
Introduction to Infrastructure Patterns
Comparing Service Meshes: Istio, Linkerd and Consul Connect
Using TLA+ to Model Cascading Failures
From bare-metal to Kubernetes
How Skype modernized its backend infrastructure using Azure Cosmos DB – Part 1
How Skype modernized its backend infrastructure using Azure Cosmos DB – Part 2
How Skype modernized its backend infrastructure using Azure Cosmos DB – Part 3
EdgeDB 1.0 Alpha 1
Break functional and orchestration responsibilities for better testability
Designing Highly Scalable Database Architectures
Shared database in microservices is a problem, yep
A pure Test Spy
When To Use TypeScript - A Detailed Guide Through Common Scenarios
Programming - doing it more vs doing it better
Value Objects - DDD w TypeScript
An Introduction to Domain-Driven Design - DDD w TypeScript
Attracting more developers to F#
Fixing Random, part 20
Fixing Random, part 21
Distributing a .NET Core 3 WPF and WinForms App with MSIX
string vs. String is not a style debate
Using, using, using with C# 8
how to choose between a class and a struct
Code caching for JavaScript developers
A portable way to get GC events in process and no admin privilege with 10 lines of code
Unintended interactions of SerializationGuard and other features
Fast codegen-free field access
Non Obvious PE Parsers – the .NET runtime – Part 1
.NET Core SDK 2.2.2nn and 2.1.6nn do not work with Visual Studio 2017
Characterizing secret leakage in public GitHub repositories
You Can Achieve Anything If You Focus On ONE Thing
The 2019 Stack Overflow Developer Survey Results Are In
Linux Server Hardening Using Idempotency with Ansible - Part 1
Understanding Zero-knowledge proofs through illustrated examples
Last updated 5 years ago