The Fundamentals of HTTP API Unit Testing
Adding Localization to the ASP.NET Core Identity Pages
Threads in Node 10.5.0 - a practical intro
Configuring ASP.NET Core, webpack, and hot module replacement (hmr) for fast TypeScript development
JavaScript Start-up Optimization
OAuth for the Open Web
Building .NET Framework ASP.NET Core apps on Linux using Mono and the .NET CLI
Kubernetes 1.11 - a look from inside Google
FSharp - Learning to use FAKE and Paket
NuGet Summer 2018 Roadmap
Enabling code signing with NuGet, Azure Key Vault, and AppVeyor
ASP.NET Core OData now Available
Solution Explorer and Project Model updates in Rider 2018.2 EAP
VSCode 1.25
Integrating Tools to Manage PostgreSQL in Production
ML.NET 0.3 Release Notes
How to make MongoDB not suck for analytics
Independent Systems Architecture
TEMPDB – Files and Trace Flags and Updates, Oh My!
Can MongoDB really deliver ACID?
Time traveling with graph databases
Experiences from Building an Event-Sourced System with Kafka Streams
Timsort — the fastest sorting algorithm you’ve never heard of
Join data items that want to go together – code smells series
Terse operators make business code more readable
Optimising Image Processing
How to escape async/await hell in JS
You Must Not Admit a Single Null!
How we implemented consistent hashing efficiently
CSharp 8 - Pattern Matching Extended
Lessons Learned Writing Unit Tests
Systems Languages - An Experience Report
Pipelines - a guided tour of the new IO API in .NET, part 1
Pipelines - a guided tour of the new IO API in .NET, part 2
Add sos DumpAsync command
Create and Pack Reference Assemblies
.NET JIT and CLR - Joined at the Hip
Exploring .NET Core platform intrinsics, part 3 - Viewing the code generated by the JIT
Implement async-iterator methods
SUSE Partners with Growth Investor EQT to Continue Momentum, Strategy Execution and Product Expansion
Open Banking in the UK - a disaster in the making?
Serverless Native Java Functions using GraalVM and Fn Project
Supercharging the Git Commit Graph II - File Format
If You’re Not Writing a Program, Don't Use a Programming Language
A Software Architect Is the Person You Blame
Overview of Intel SGX - Part 1, SGX Internals
My Lessons from Interviewing 400+ Engineers Over Three Startups
Last updated 6 years ago